Understand MBTI Personality Types Just in One Go

Kick start your breadth of knowledge of 16 personality types in MBTI

Irfan Ali
10 min readJan 14, 2021
Image: Collage created on Canva.com

People are not equal. Neither their physique nor their behavior. When they greet others, work with others, live with others, they behave differently.

Some greet with a bone-crushing handshake and a loud, impassioned voice, some greet with a dead-fish handshake and a fragile voice. Some like to give orders, some go along well, and some show total submission. Some like to play deadly sports that stimulate their sensual experience, and some enjoy mind skills games that test their intelligence.

These kinds of behavioral differences have always inspired wise people to inquire about human personality.

These wise people investigate differences in people’s behavior and the reasons which encourage such behaviors. For example, Galen thought that different foods produced different temperaments in people. Warm foods produce yellow bile, while cold foods produce phlegm.

Galen’s Temperaments
In his dissertation
De temperamentis, written in 200 AD, Galen explained how hot/cold and dry/wet foods derived from four elements lead to different temperaments. He named those temperaments as “sanguine”, “choleric”, “melancholic”, and “phlegmatic”.

After Galen, researchers and personality theorists kept on studying human behavior. Avicenna, Kant, Freud, Eysenck, and Jung are famous names who have explored human behavior, particularly personality. But the most recent and widely popular work on personality is done by Myers-Briggs, which is referred to as 16 personality types.

What are 16 Personality Types?

16 Personality Types, introduced by Katherine Cook and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, are based on the theoretical work of Carl Jung. In these types, each personality type is a 4-letter word, which is assigned to a person after he/she takes a personality test. The 4-letter word comes from basic preferential traits:

Each personality type has a set of characteristics that define a person — one may slightly deviate from these characteristics but one stays within a specific type throughout his life.

Let’s understand personality types one-by-one.

1. ESTJ — Supervisor Personality

Extrovert, Sensor, Thinker & Judger (ESTJs) are supervisors who skillfully lead people and efficiently manage resources. They want everyone to strictly follow the rules and can punish if somebody does a violation. When given responsibility, they work hard to meet expectations and dislike those who show laziness or negligence in the work. One of their weakness is a lack of empathy — they can be overly strict, judgmental, and critical.

In Keirsey Temperament Sorter, ESTJs belong to Guardians. The most fitting example of ESTJ is John D. Rockefeller, an American Industrialist, considered as the world’s most successful businessman who controlled 90% of oil in the U.S.

2. ISTJ — Inspector Personality

Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, & Judger (ISTJs) are like inspectors. You’ll often find them doing inspections with prying eyes and inquisitive curiosity. Nobody else could focus as good as they do. They are extremely aware of their thoughts, surroundings, and past experiences. Change in temperature, change in moods, change in behaviors, any kind of change they can spot right away. However, one of their weakness is a lack of openness. They can be highly rigid and self-centered sometimes.

ISTJs also belong to Guardians in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The best example of ISTJ is George Washington — the first American President, who led his patriot troops and fought an exhaustively long and tiring battle for independence.

3. ESFJ — Provider Personality

Extrovert, Sensor, Feeler & Judger (ESFJs) are care-takers. Warm and friendly, they are the happiest when helping and taking care of others. They are loving parents, sensitive partners, passionate friends, and empathetic social workers. They enjoy going out, chatting with friends, and having fun at parties. Beauty lovers, aesthetics is their first choice when it comes to clothing, home, workplace, etc. However, their sensitive nature is their weakness — they are easily hurt.

ESFJs also belong to Guardians in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. A perfect example of ESFJ is Jennifer Lopez, a famous American Singer. She loves to throw parties and get the attention of her audience.

4. ISFJ — Protector Personality

Introvert, Sensor, Feeler & Judger (ISFJs) are protectors. Sensitive and light-hearted, ISFJs are happiest when they dedicate their lives to someone. They are very focused and meticulous in performing works of their interest. Remembering birthdays, important past events, details of their purchases, and the slightest information about people show their keen memory. They may be reserved when greet strangers but are very talkative when meet their close and trusted friends.

They also belong to Guardians in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The most fitting example of ISFJ is Kristen Dunst, a famous American Actress, a lady full of compassion for the world.

5. ESTP — Promoter Personality

Extrovert, Sensor, Thinker & Perceiver (ESTPs) are super-observers and action-oriented people. They are all aware of what’s happening in their surroundings — what others are talking about, who are moving around, and what others are planning to do. Adventurous and risk-taking, they need the slightest opportunity to jump into action and take the driving seat. Being social, they are humorous and witty and the center of every meeting, gathering, and party. Above all, they hate lazy people and love physical struggle.

ESTPs belong to Artisans in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The truest example of ESTP is Winston Churchill who led Britain in the darkest of times and overcame existential problems.

6. ISTP — Crafter Personality

Introvert, Sensor, Thinker & Perceiver (ISTPs) are incredibly quick thinkers. They act so prudently and swiftly in crises that no other personality can match in their crisis handling abilities. Outwardly they remain cool and inwardly their brain continues functioning efficiently. How things work and how to quickly troubleshoot problems, they are unbelievably well in these. They don’t waste time in planning and brainstorming but act instantly. They are best suited for emergency response teams.

ISTPs also belong to Artisans in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The world’s perfect example of ISTP was Bruce Lee — Martial Art legend and popular Actor.

7. ESFP — Performer Personality

Extrovert, Sensor, Feeler & Perceiver (ESFPs) are the most enthusiastic and friendliest of all personality types. They have friends everywhere whom they love to approach, talk to, and have fun with. They are pleasant in behaviour and sensitive to emotions. Being completely involved and focused on their surroundings, they enjoy every moment of their life. They rush for new experiences and like to take on tough challenges.

Quick responders like their counterpart ESTPs & ISTPs, ESFPs also belong to Artisans in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Serena Williams, the famous Tennis Star — an awesome performer on the court — is an apt example of ESFPs.

8. ISFP — Composer Personality

Introvert, Sensor, Feeler & Perceiver (ISFPs) are extremely sensitive and purposeful people. Their choice of career, friends, or life-partners needs to match their interests & feelings. If they find their interest, they can completely devote their life to it. Owing to their meticulous attention and fullest involvement, they can compose really amazing things. However, they can be vulnerable to emotional pains and sufferings because of their sensitive nature. Many singers, music composers, and other artists are ISFPs.

ISFPs belong to Artisans in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Michael Jackson, the world’s most famous singer & dancer, was an ISFP.

9. ENTJ — Fieldmartial Personality

Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinker & Judger (ENTJs) have incredible abilities to achieve extraordinary goals in their life. They clearly visualize their future, set realistic targets, and do brilliant planning. To prepare themselves, they seek knowledge and groom their skills. Unlike other personality types, they can subject themselves to self-criticism and can stunningly improve. To others, they can be strict and grilling if they don’t come up to their expectations. In fact, becoming overly strict and lack of empathy is their weakness.

ENTJs belong to Rationals in Keirsey temperament sorter. One of the best embodiment of ENTJs is Steve Jobs, the famous founder of Apple, who was the most visionary entrepreneur in the world.

10. INTJ — Mastermind Personality

Introvert, Intuitive, Thinker & Judger (INTJs) are global thinkers. Their mind is a magical device that can process any information and draw impressive conclusions. Hungry for knowledge and skills, they are always busy training and sharpening themselves. Like ENTJs, they are fine planners and mindboggling visionaries who envision and prepare for the future. However, they tend to be critical due to which they can make people their enemies. They feel difficulty in creating emotional understanding with others.

INTJs also belong to Rational temperament in Keirsey temperament sorter. The seamless example of an INTJ is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.

11. ENTP — Innovator Personality

Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinker & Perceiver (ENTPs) are the most creative of all personality types. They are oftentimes thinking out and discussing their creative ideas. Humorous, talkative, and witty they are fantastic communicators who can easily motivate, arouse, and make others laugh. They have the ability to successfully negotiate and quickly troubleshoot problems. However, one of their weakness is they can’t stick to their plans and fail to maintain their vigor and consistency for one target.

ENTPs also belong to Rationals in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The best example of ENTP is Thomas Edison, the most renowned world scientist who had hundreds of inventions in his name and many successful business ventures.

12. INTP — Architect Personality

Introvert, Intuitive, Thinker & Perceivers (INTPs) think that there is a solution to every problem and man has unlimited abilities to do almost anything. They are highly skeptical and can easily unravel any complex situation, idea, theory, or mechanism. Their mind is the collection of all logical thoughts — no waste, no-nonsense thoughts. They keep on imagining, innovating, and creating ideas and their thoughts have no ends. Their weakness is being indulged in their abstract thoughts and lack of communication.

INTPs also belong to Rationals in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. One of the perfect examples of INTPs is Elon Musk, the world’s most successful entrepreneur of the present times.

13. ENFJ — Teacher Personality

Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeler & Judger (ENFJs) are the most charismatic people of all personality types. They want to explore the true potential in the people through their persuasive talks, motivational speeches, and emotional help. Instead of using a traditional approach to change people, they use innovative ideas. They can work on multiple projects at one time and have solid organizational abilities. However, ENFJs are sensitive and hasty — they are easily hurt and lack consistency.

ENFJs belong to Idealists in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Oprah Winfrey, a successful motivational speaker, is the perfect example of ENFJ.

14. INFJ — Counselor Personality

Introvert, Intuitive Thinker & Judger (INFJs) are people of cause. They can spend their whole life for a single cause which could be women’s rights, economic progress, or the well-being of the people. They are extremely honest and true to their values. They can listen to others with empathy and warmth and can make others completely safe to speak up. One problem with INFJs is that they lack attention to the details and can be completely oblivious to their surroundings. They can feel hurt at a trivial remark.

INFJs belong to Idealists in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. One of the best examples of INFJ is Martin Luther King Jr. who fought his whole life for the rights of people.

15. ENFP — Champion Personality

Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeler & Perceiver (ENFPs) are the most versatile of all. They can do any job well, can bounce off wonderful ideas, and engage with the diversity of people. They are very enthusiastic and passionate and talk with a lot of vigor. As they never close the doors of their friendship, they have a huge and wide network of friends. But lack of consistency is their biggest weakness — they switch between ideas in the middle of works.

ENFPs also belong to Idealists in the Keirsey temperament sorter. Will Smith, known to be the most powerful actor in Hollywood, is an ENFP.

16. INFP — Healer Personality

Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler & Perceiver (INFPs) have the power of healing. Their lifelong struggle is to discover the human soul and the meaning of life. They are loving, helping, and caring, who deeply believe in other’s welfare. And they help in unique and artistic ways, methods apart from tradition. They are like prophets who come for the sake of mankind.

However, INFPs can be highly unrealistic and can be totally unaware of the concrete life. They can be absent-minded, always lost in the web of thoughts.

INFPs also belong to Idealists in Keirsey Temperament Sorter. William Shakespeare, the famous English poet, and playwright is an INFP.

This article was originally publish here. Take your personality development test to know your type.



Irfan Ali

Enthusiastic Public Speaker, Writing Geek, Engineer by Profession and Entrepreneur by Vision. Watch https://youtube.com/@ilme-karobar