How simple ways create powerful motivation?

If you don’t know the power of this simple motivation, you’re ruining things…

Irfan Ali
4 min readDec 8, 2020
Photo by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

It was a red-hot day. The temperature had crossed 50 degrees. High humidity had made the weather worse than ever.

Some persons were leaving their offices to the nearby bus station. Others were moving out of the shops to take the bus to drive back to their homes.

They were sweating, they were badly frustrated by the itching of humidity over their bodies and they were thirsty due to dehydration. Their faces were burning red and their moods were completely down.

In this desolating situation, when the first passenger entered from the door of the bus, the bus driver gave a smile and said,

“Good Afternoon Sir”

The same smile and the same words he was repeating for every passenger boarding the bus.

And his such simple expression and usual greeting words were doing the magic. They made the faces of people relaxed, and for that moment, let them forget the heat and pain of the weather. Despite that they were utterly tensed, entering passengers smiled back.

What can we learn from this short story?



Irfan Ali

Enthusiastic Public Speaker, Writing Geek, Engineer by Profession and Entrepreneur by Vision. Watch